:py:mod:`bempp.api.assembly.potential_operator` =============================================== .. py:module:: bempp.api.assembly.potential_operator .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Definition of potential operators. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: bempp.api.assembly.potential_operator.PotentialOperator bempp.api.assembly.potential_operator._ScaledPotentialOperator bempp.api.assembly.potential_operator._SumPotentialOperator .. py:class:: PotentialOperator(potential_evaluator) Bases: :py:obj:`object` Provides an interface to potential operators. This class is not supposed to be instantiated directly. .. py:property:: space Return the underlying function space. .. py:property:: component_count Return number of components of the potential (1 for scalar potentials). .. py:property:: evaluation_points Return the evaluation points. .. py:method:: evaluate(grid_fun) Apply the potential operator to a grid function. Parameters ---------- grid_fun : bempp.api.GridFunction A GridFunction object that represents the boundary density to which the potential is applied to. .. py:method:: _is_compatible(other) Check compatibility with other potential operator. .. py:method:: __add__(obj) Add. .. py:method:: __mul__(obj) Multiply. .. py:method:: __matmul__(obj) Multiply. .. py:method:: __rmul__(obj) Reverse multiply. .. py:method:: __neg__() Negate. .. py:method:: __sub__(other) Subtract. .. py:class:: _ScaledPotentialOperator(op, alpha) Bases: :py:obj:`PotentialOperator` Scaled potential operator. .. py:property:: space Return the underlying function space. .. py:property:: component_count Return number of components of the potential (1 for scalar potentials). .. py:property:: evaluation_points Return the evaluation points. .. py:method:: evaluate(grid_fun) Apply the potential operator to a grid function. Parameters ---------- grid_fun : bempp.api.GridFunction A GridFunction object that represents the boundary density to which the potential is applied to. .. py:class:: _SumPotentialOperator(op1, op2) Bases: :py:obj:`PotentialOperator` Sum of two potential operators. .. py:property:: space Return the underlying function space. .. py:property:: component_count Return number of components of the potential (1 for scalar potentials). .. py:property:: evaluation_points Return the evaluation points. .. py:method:: evaluate(grid_fun) Apply the potential operator to a grid function. Parameters ---------- grid_fun : bempp.api.GridFunction A GridFunction object that represents the boundary density to which the potential is applied to.